Travelling in Colombo


Travelling by Bus in Colombo

Buses are the cheapest mode of transport available in Colombo. They are usually available throughout the day, are extremely frequent, and travel to almost any destination, mostly converging at the main bus terminal in Pettah or its immediate vicinity.


The best way to avoid congested and cumbersome public transport in Colombo is to hire a taxi. There are car taxis, tuk tuk taxis or vans available for larger crowds via numerous cab companies operating in Colombo. Tuk tuks can also be waved down the street.


For those looking to travel out of Colombo and take in the local countryside, trains are the ideal mode of transportation. It is economical, relatively safe and usually less chaotic than buses (except during peak hours).


Renowned for its open air bazaars and markets, Pettah is by far Sri Lanka’s busiest commercial area. It is where most of Sri Lanka’s trading is done.





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